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Enter my world
of logo design

Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.
Project details

Logo Open Hippo AI

This project was both a joy and an inspiration to create. The client had a clear vision: the logo should feature a hippo and bring a smile to the viewer's face.

Project details

YOU Logo

I designed the Logo for YOU - Mach dich stark für andere.

Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.
Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.
Project details

Logo Hypnose Seitle

I designed the corporate identity for Hypnose Seitle, including the logo, flyers, stickers, and website.

I want to see the website
Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.
Project details

Heartease Logo

I created the logo for Heartease, who is specialized on meditation, nutrition and health. Later, I also made her image movie.

Watch image movie
Project details

ThinkGreen Logo

For the project "Mensch in Bewegung," I designed a logo and icons for an app.

Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.
Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.
Project details

Heartbeats Logo

I created the logo for Heartbeats DancING School, later I also created flyers for dancing workshops and a video.

Project details

Logo Redesign

This customer already head a logo, I redesigned it by adjusting the colors and making it more simplistic.

Mockup of the Fitwell App, that shows the Overview Site. Here, the user can see his health level.

Bereit für dein Logo?

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